My RP Characters and Settings
Alec DeVries
Alexander Meadows
Anthony Heathersmith
Avery DeSade
Brian DeLong
Danny North
David Asheland
Dion Daneam
Drusilla LaMorte, Mistress of the Carnival of the Moon
Gabriel Haller
Garrett Alton-Rollins
John Fairmountain
Lee Ben-Artzi
Luke Devereaux
Albion, New Mexico
Garrett's House
The Loft
The Misfits

Welcome Oriental

On this site, you'll find all sorts of stuff out about my character and absolutely very little about me...well, other than that I like cute guys and White Wolf RP.  LOL

I will update this site when I can.  Which may not be as often as I like,or as often as you may like, but oh well.

What's New?

This is where you look to see if I've done anything earth-shatteringly cool.  Don't expect much. 
01-02-03:  Took down a few pages that aren't useful.
12-12-02:  Updated Garrett's page
                Added Garrett's House page.

Creepy but Cool
A School near my parent's house

Words of Wisdom

Civility does not mean that we must like everyone. In fact, a true measure of one's civility is how we treat people that we really do not like or even respect. It's easy to respect those whom we do like; but civility is about how we treat other people, whatever our feelings about them may be.


Pascal's Wager:  Do you choose to believe, or do you choose not to believe? If you choose to believe, you have nothing to lose, but if you choose not to believe, what are you really going to get?


"I do not assign responsibility to a higher being. I think that we're responsible to each other."


Religion is a bureaucracy between man and God.


I think that the people who think God wrote a book called The Bible are just childish. Religion is so childish. What they're fighting about in the Middle East, it's so childish. These myths, these silly little stories that they believe in fundamentally, that they take over this little space in Jerusalem where one guy flew up to heavenno, no, this guy performed a sacrifice here a thousand million years ago. It's like, "Who cares? What does that have to do with spirituality, where you're really trying to get, as a human being and as a soul moving in the universe?" But I do believe in a God, yes.


The Onion: Is there a God?

Berke Breathed: Well, I bloody well hope so. Like Ricky Ricardo used to yell, "Luuuucy... You got some 'splainin' to dooooooo." I'd start with Hitler surviving the childhood flu in 1902. I'd end with mosquitoes and rap music. What's the plan, fer Chrissake? No offense.

Feel free to contact me if you see me on JAVA.  I play Unmod and New Bremen both.

Feel free to mail me, but be sure to put why you are mailing me in the subject...

DISCLAIMER:  I do not own, nor am I challenging the owners of any of the photos contained on this site.  Nor do I own or pretend to own White Wolf.  Instead, I just use what they provide like a good little boy and hope to avoid copyright lawsuits by putting this disclaimer here. 
Also, some of the contents of this site may be offensive to some viewers.  If cute, primarily shirtless men bother you, I apologize, but you were warned.  Likewise to those who don't appreciate religious or spiritual discussions on a website