My RP Characters and Settings
Albion, New Mexico
Alec DeVries
Alexander Meadows
Anthony Heathersmith
Avery DeSade
Brian DeLong
Danny North
David Asheland
Dion Daneam
Drusilla LaMorte, Mistress of the Carnival of the Moon
Gabriel Haller
Garrett Alton-Rollins
John Fairmountain
Lee Ben-Artzi
Luke Devereaux
Albion, New Mexico
Garrett's House
The Loft
The Misfits

Welcome to Albion, a little piece of Heaven in the heart of New Mexico!


In 1794 a small splinter religion broke off from the Catholic Church. Calling it self the House of Elohim, this small cult followed some obscure apocryphal teachings and worshipped the angels instead of God, because they believed that the Angels were the true creators. Lead by the founding fathers and head pastors, Malcolm Devereaux and Roald Jowston, the group searched for an isolated place to form a community and settled in the New Mexico desert. Thus Albion was founded in 1801, and because of their isolationist ways contact with the community was quickly lost.
Then around 1832, a group of settlers heading for California came upon Albion. What they found was a small ghost town with no one around. When the searched the town all of the populace was found in the Church that dominated the center of town. All dead from what appeared to be mass suicide. The settlers buried the dead, and then moved on to California planning to mention what they had happened upon during their travels. However, other trials and tribulations that occurred to them caused them to forget their plans and the small town of Albion was forgotten.
The town was rediscovered in 1903 when smoke brought people to investigate. They found the small ghost town, and the old church burned to the ground, presumably by a lightning strike or similar occurrence. Two years later a group of enterprising men decided to rebuild the small town into a resort community. Ronald Dekaris, Maurice Tolliver, Edward Renard, Douglas MacMorna and Rupert Caen came along and re-founded the town of Albion.
The Ferguson schoolhouse was built in the center of town where the old church had been. A new church, Saint Christophers, was built a few blocks away. To this day St. Christophers is pretty much the major church for the town. Unfortunately, the dream of Albion as a resort town never took off. Instead it became a small isolated town that was attractive to many well off families families that have been in Albion for a long time. This makes Albion a close-knit town with a general feel of the gifted life. It is a town where everyone knows everyone else, and with a population of only around 2000 it makes this fairly easy.
As the town grew, eventually Sheffield High school was built, and 11 years ago the New Ferguson Elementary was built when the original Ferguson school was burned to the ground by a freak fire. For some reason that can not quite be explained the town has never torn down or rebuilt the burn out husk of the old school.
While Albion is a generally accepting and open minded town, there are of course those small minded individuals that cause problems for the few members of the population that are different. For the past several years there have been more and more ghost and poltergeist reports spreading around the town. For the normally open and friendly community, they get awful closed mouth about this around outsiders. The only other event that has caused a stir in the recent past was a little over a year ago when one of the towns teenagers was brutally raped not long after he publicly came out of the closet. The identity of the rapist was never discovered, although the boy did recover. And except for these recent events the town continues to be that quiet little town where the majority of the people living their have it good.