My RP Characters and Settings
Avery DeSade
Alec DeVries
Alexander Meadows
Anthony Heathersmith
Avery DeSade
Brian DeLong
Danny North
David Asheland
Dion Daneam
Drusilla LaMorte, Mistress of the Carnival of the Moon
Gabriel Haller
Garrett Alton-Rollins
John Fairmountain
Lee Ben-Artzi
Luke Devereaux
Albion, New Mexico
Garrett's House
The Loft
The Misfits

Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly...

Avery DeLuccio

Avery was born, as all Fae are, to mortal parents in Georgia. His family was a well established lineage of stock and commodities traders, wealthy, arrogant and aloof. Avery saw little of his parents, and was raised, in true WASP style, by a staff of servants and a nanny. Avery resented this, and made life hell for his "caretakers", pulling pranks and disappearing acts and scares that caused the servants to quit many times.

By the time Avery was 13, his father had taken a decidedly negative view of the boy, who had grown up slim, pale and fragile seeming. Avery preferred the dark places of the family estate, and took to reading books like the Prince and the Art of War. On an outing to the local zoo, Avery was left by his caretaker at the Bug Room, and there he fell in love with spiders. Beautiful, self-sufficient, deadly, utterly alone and perfect. He began collecting the spiders he found around the house, and buying more from exotic pet stores. His parents were disturbed by this new obsession, but anything that kept their son calm was a godsend, so they encouraged it. His favorite spider was the Black Widow, the one spider arachnophobes imagine more than any other except perhaps tarantulas. He kept many of the round, black deadly creatures and loved them all, even naming them.

Avery as a Spider

One day, at the ripe old age of 15, while feeding the spiders, his hand brushed against a web and he was bitten by the Widow inside. He had never been bitten before in his life, and his body reacted violently to it, sending him into a blackout. When he opened his eyes again, he was...much smaller and could see so much more than he was used to. He realized with delight that he was a spider, something had happened to him and his dreams had come true...he was now one of them...

He took off out of the room, moving through the house, listening to his family and the staff in their petty lives, their darkest secrets being catalogued in his mind for later use. Growing tired, Avery returned to his room and curled up, asleep in a corner.

When he awoke, he moved to a mirror, examining himself as he had returned to normal...somewhat. Always a skinny and pale youth, he was now toned slender muscle beneath alabaster skin. His dark hair had lengthened and turned as black as the carapace of his beloved Widow, and his eyes were the same unfathomable, alien black. Above his navel, he had also gained an angry red hourglass birthmark. All of this startled him at first, but pleased him more than anything else. He was a spider in a human body...he knew things...and set about using that knowledge and a newfound, uncanny talent for getting others to confide in him.

Avery DeSade

He began to dress and act in ways that shocked his family and their friends, accentuating his androgyny. Taking to the Gothic style and mixing it up with some drag, he became less and less the child his parents had hoped to raise. His studies of Spiders became even more obsessive, as did his studying poisons and the art of pain...His father refused to speak to him and this was fine by Avery...his mother was a better source of secrets and gossip anyways.

By the time Avery's 18th birthday arrived, his mother, more out of a sense of duty than love, threw a coming of age party for her son that lit the night sky with fireworks and dancing and music...but no Avery. He refused to attend his own birthday party, instead, spending the night calling out to his "true" family, tired of this false life, and whispered into their ears words of pain, blood, hunger and death...

The next morning, the house was rattled by a shriek of terror and grief and Avery rose, following the sound and suppressing a smile at the sight that greeted him at his parent's bedroom door. The staff was there, gathered and stunned at the corpses in the bed, drained of all blood, welts and bites on every inch of their bodies...

The coronor arrived, and examined the body and was left without words to describe the event. Avery took him aside, speaking privately to the man, and when the coronor submitted his report, it was listed as a drug overdose, and the bodies were cremated.

Avery took over the family fortune with ease and took control of his family's financiers nearly as easily. He sold the family house and consolidated every bit of funding into one account, and purchased a run down plantation house on the river. Rather than fix up the house, he instead renovated the interior, making the home look like a Victorian house of Ill Repute mixed well with modern aristocracy. He was approached by the local Fae and became a part of the freehold, but soon withdrew in disgust at the games played by the commoners there. In time, a group of nobles, led by a Fiona Duchess, took the frehold, turning it into a respectable Duchy. This time, Avery approached, and petitioned the Duchess to join her court as advisor and Master of Spies...She and her court laughed at him, mocked him...and sealed their fates that night.

Avery bided his time, spied on by the Duchess' people and quite aware of the clumsy attempts. He became enamoured with one spy, a Sidhe of the Leanhaun house who was also looked down upon by the Court and sent him as an expendable their misfortune. Avery and Ainnle - the Leanhaun - formulated a plot, aided by other disgruntled Fae, Commoner and Noble alike, and began sending feelers out into the mistreated Boggan population. Some among the numbers of the Boggan agreed and all of the conspirators took a blood and glamour oath to one another, vowing that none outside to pact would learn of the conspiracy.

Things around the Duchy began to get tense as the Duchess and her Ailil consort began to feel invisible walls closing in on them, and decided to hold a grand wedding ceremony to renew the "peoples faith in nobility". This afforded the Conspiracy the perfect chance to act.

The night before the wedding, Avery entered the freehold in secret and killed the Boggan Wine-Steward, Metamorphosing the body to resemble Avery's own, and then taking the time to Metamorphose himself into a duplicate of the Wine-Steward. Morning came, and with the wedding scant hours away, Avery smiled to himself, knowing the slow acting toxin he'd laced the wine with would do the job wonderfully. He ran to the Captain of the guard and told them he'd caught Avery sneaking around and had been forced to kill him when Avery attacked. The captain followed the Wine-Steward and together they spirited the body away and disposed of it in the river, not wanting to disturb the wedding proceedings.

The wedding went off without a hitch, and the revelry was grand, music and wine flowed freely. By nightfall, though, the toxin had begun to take effect, weakening and causing the revelers to pass out. The Duchess and the new Duke were the last to weaken, and she cast her fury out, demanding to know who had ruined her wedding...and found her demands unanswered, her Sovereign majesty countered and weakened...and the Wine-Steward approached her, whispered in her ear and withdrew, smiling thinly. The Duchess reacted in horror, screaming and cursing her limbs which refused to respond to her desire to move and watched, helpless, as the Conspiracy entered, all masked, all bearing Iron Knives, and killed every noble in the dining hall. The Wine-Steward walked out without a word, whistling a tune familiar to the Duchess, leaving that as the last thing she heard before she died...the tune Avery had hummed many nights.

Mielge entered the scene shortly after the murders, covering them up quickly and executing the commoners involved with the Conspiracy, none of whom could speak of what they knew to save themselves, thanks to the Oath they had taken...and the uprising died and was never spoken of again...though Mielge still seeks answers to what happened.

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