My RP Characters and Settings
Danny North
Alec DeVries
Alexander Meadows
Anthony Heathersmith
Avery DeSade
Brian DeLong
Danny North
David Asheland
Dion Daneam
Drusilla LaMorte, Mistress of the Carnival of the Moon
Gabriel Haller
Garrett Alton-Rollins
John Fairmountain
Lee Ben-Artzi
Luke Devereaux
Albion, New Mexico
Garrett's House
The Loft
The Misfits

Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.


Danny North is a brilliant young scientist, skilled in many disciplines from botany to zoology, genetics to microtechnology.  He is surprisingly young for one of his skill, and many of his peers think him an oddity.  If only they knew. 
Danny North was always a curious boy.  He taught himself to read at 3 years of age, and from then on could not be torn from a book.  By the time Danny was admitted to Kindergarden, he was well beyond his peers in his speaking skills and reading and writing skills, as well as having a great deal more maturity.  He was advanced, much to his glee, to 2nd grade, and again in third grade he was advanced 2 more years.  It soon became obvious to Danny's parents that their son was a prodigy, and they began looking for a school that could take him and teach him at HIS pace.  One was found, an expensive academy in New York, and though it scraped the bottom of their funds, they sent Danny to the Oberhurst Academy.  There, he found his true calling in the study of mathematics, life and computers.  By the time he was 15 he was on a level normally attained by people twice his age or older.  He was the Academy's brightest star.  He was being courted by C.E.R.N. due to his enthusiasm for the realm of theoretical physics, and then things began to crumble around him. 
Danny began experiencing terrible nightmares of fur and flame, blood and pain and freedom...and waking up in a cold sweat, his skin cold, his clothes torn to shreds.  One of the Acadamy scholars came to him, explained to him what was happening.  Danny was Garou, the scholar told him, a werewolf.  Danny did not believe it at first, then the man showed him scientific proof of their existence...the man shifted through the forms before Danny's eyes.  Rather than panicking, Danny became elated.  He wasn't crazy!  But then reality hit...the scholar told Danny that the Acadamy was a front, a friendly face for an organization that sought to eradicate the Shifter gene entirely...every form of research that Danny had excelled in were fields being used to isolate and destroy the gene.  The scholar told him that he had a chice...stay and be found out and "cleansed", or help the scholar destroy the lab entirely and come with him.  Danny decided to take the latter course and with his new mentor's help, Danny set the machines on overload, causing them to explode.  The entire Oberhurst Academy went up in flames, and though most of the students escaped, the majority of the staff did not. 
Danny and Dr. Rand, his mentor, ran south, heading to Florida to join up with other Glasswalkers and during the trip, Danny explored the spiritual side of his life.  He learned about spirits and the soul of the world.  Dr. Rand taught him a great deal in the weeks they travelled, and by the time they arrived in Miami, Danny was ready to fight for the good of all, and the union of Science and spirituality.  For the next several years, Danny fought the good fight, but recently, during a monkeywrenching of Tellus Games, Dr. Rand's pack was ambushed and Danny was the only survivor.  He has been looking for a new home ever since.

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