My RP Characters and Settings
Garrett Alton-Rollins
Alec DeVries
Alexander Meadows
Anthony Heathersmith
Avery DeSade
Brian DeLong
Danny North
David Asheland
Dion Daneam
Drusilla LaMorte, Mistress of the Carnival of the Moon
Gabriel Haller
Garrett Alton-Rollins
John Fairmountain
Lee Ben-Artzi
Luke Devereaux
Albion, New Mexico
Garrett's House
The Loft
The Misfits

It is hard to free fools from the chains they build themselves...

Garrett stands 5'7" and weighs in at around 135 pounds.  He is trim and his muscles, while lithe and not fully developed, stand out under his healhty, sun-browned skin.  His brown hair is cut short but shaggy, and streaked with gold from constant exposure to sunlight.  His dark, green eyes are flecked with brown, giving them an earthy quality.  He dresses in casual, earthy clothing, practical and comfortable, rather than stylish.   Around his neck on a long silver chain he carries a gold and crystal monacle and a hemp choker decorated with rainbow colored beads.   He carries a shoulder-slung satchel - which is decorated with many pride pins - everywhere, filled with his schoolbooks, jars of salve, and some crystals.  On his satchel-strap is a small pin which Hunters will recognize as "Protected". 
There is a sense of power beneath Garrett's calm exterior and his smooth, friendly features give little away.  There is also an air of sadness and loss surrounding him if one pays enough is apparent in his eyes.

The Dragon  (Garr's Avatar)


The Dragon is a small dragon about 3 feet long with scales like interlocking fire opals and eyes like iridescent fire. He is exceedingly beautiful, and were he larger, he'd be quite a terrible sight to behold. He has wings that beat rapidly like a hummingbird, creating a dark, rainbowlike blur over each shoulder. He is arrogant and modest, wrathful and kind, greedy and all, quite like the true dragon and very much the doting if grumpy tutor to Garrett.

The Green Thumb (Garrett's Shop)


The Green Thumb is located on the border of the city and the woods, nestled in a small copse of trees. The windows and doors are open, allowing the scent of lemon and spice to escape into the surrounding area. As well, the sounds of music from around the wold can be heard piping softly from within.

The shop is clean and cozy, painted in warm, summery colors and earthy tones. It's cool inside, the air clean and fresh and the layout is open, lots of space, used to it's best to accent the various aspects of the shop. To the right as you enter stand a few low bookshelves, and taller shelves line the walls. The books contained therein detail healthy living, herbal remedies and occult lore. To the left is a small eating nook with antique chairs and small tables.

At the back of the shop is a wide, teakwood counter carved with amazingly intricate scenes from Chinese mythology. Behind the counter is a massive bank of apothecary cabinets, all labeled with the names of various herbs and spices, fruits and other, less recognizable things. An archaic cash register sits at one end of the counter and a glass-fronted deli-style display case offers organic snacks and drinks. Beside the cash register stands a small shrine, of sorts, atop which rests a single flower in a large, ornate pot. The flower is a stunning, exotic lily, and all around it are small tokens and offerings.

Behind the counter, sits a handsome young man, dressed in a mix of modern style and surfer chic, reading a paperback novel, his bare feet propped casually on the countertop.

Moderated NB:  Garrett_Alton-Rollins